What a disappointing day for the Staple team and residents surrounding the area of the now approved project of installing wind turbines.

They have worked hard with councillors to fight against this proposal, but have unfortunately lost to Gove r nment-backed NPower Renewables.

We know the need to find a different way to produce electricity rather than the use of fossil fuels.

However, turbines are only part of the answer.

How many days per year will they be standing idle through lack of wind energy?

We need turbines, but they need to be installed in suitable positions away from property.

We have 48 turbines being erected on our coast, away from noise, flickering and glinting problems, but the downside is danger to shipping and loss of fishing grounds.

The same applies to turbines being installed on farmland, with the loss of crop and grazing land leading to an increased reliance on imported foods.

There is also the need for land to house substations, pylons, masts, support and storage buildings and new roads for servicing the equipment.

I dread to think of the cost of all the installation work. No doubt we shall find out with the huge increase in our fuel bills!

The Government’s aim by 2010 is that 10 per cent of the region’s energy should come from renewable sources and by 2020, 17 per cent.

These figures will not be met as the Government wants an extra million homes to be built.

These homes will need power and heat, so the Government’s aim to reduce the use of fossil fuel will not be achieved.

Again, it’s a case of one department working against another, an impossibility to carry out joined-up thinking.

If this Government didn’t stop cramming in more people, then perhaps we would not have to produce more electricity.

B Stimpson
Hawkenden Road, Clacton