ESSEX Air Ambulance is hoping to allay concerns over the charity’s potential move to Earls Colne airfield.

The charity is on notice to move from its current base in Boreham, an old Second World War airfield.

Details about the move were recently presented to Earls Colne residents, and a planning application will be submitted to Braintree Council.

At the public meeting last month, residents voiced fears about increases in the number of flights and noise. The charity has said Earls Colne was the preferred choice following lengthy consultations as it offers a licensed airfield with secure and accessible facilities.

The plan is to move the operational airbase and charity office to one site, taking over two existing hangars and providing a visitors’ centre.

The charity said the nature of air ambulance work is unpredictable, but the air ambulance averages between two to four missions a day, but some days there are no flights.

Jean Twin, who is leading the relocation project, said; “The air ambulance is one of the quietest and fastest aircraft of its class with a specific low-noise design so it can gain height and move quickly so any noise soon disappears.”

A number of trial flights will be arranged so local people can judge the impact the helicopter would have on everyday life.