A STATUTORY inquiry investigating 2,000 mental health deaths in Essex over a period of more than 20 years is due to finally start next month.

More than 100 people have come forward to take part in the investigation which was re-launched as a statutory in October 2023.

It means by law it has greater power to compel witnesses.

The inquiry will investigate the deaths of people who were receiving mental health inpatient care in Essex between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2023.

This will include people who died within three months of discharge, and those who died as inpatients receiving NHS-funded care in the independent sector.

Last November Baroness Lampard held a public consultation, as part of the first phase of the inquiry.

The second phase of the inquiry is continuing to collect evidence and the first public hearing begins on September 9.

The daily hearings will take place at the Chelmsford Civic Centre until September 25, except for Fridays, when the inquiry will not be sitting. 

All hearings will be open to the public to attend, unless the chair to the inquiry has said otherwise.

There is also a live stream for the hearings online, which requires no registration, so that anyone can watch the hearings remotely.

The hearings’ purpose is to give opening statements as well as ‘impact evidence’ referring to evidence from the families and friends of patients who died.

There will also be additional hearings in November which will be conducted remotely for all involved.

If you have not received a letter but consider that you have experiences that are relevant for impact evidence please contact the Inquiry on contact@lampardinquiry.org.uk or by voicemail on 0207 972 3500.

For more information about the September hearings, please visit Protocol for September Opening Hearings.