A NEW interactive map is helping people across Colchester see how £40million is set to be used to transform the city. 

The interactive map from Colchester Council shows different sites that are located across Colchester that are to be worked on.

The £40 million from government investment is set to be used to improve the city by 2030. 

Key focus areas include attracting more visitors for both day and night, making the most of the Roman wall and historical landmarks and nurturing wildlife habitats. 

The council created the city centre masterplan, after speaking to over 2,000 residents, businesses and visitors.

Two governments grants have been secured by the city through the town deal and levelling up initiatives, which will help to enhance the overall landscape of the city.

David King, leader of Colchester Council, said: “This year marks the beginning of substantial investments in Colchester city centre, and it's great we can now get an overview and sense of scale of all that is underway.

“Utilising the map is just one part of our efforts to be transparent and to engage our community.”

“With public and private investments changing the city centre for better, we want residents to be as fully aware as possible.”