A CARE home in Colchester has tasted victory at the annual Great British Bake Off – Care Home Edition.

Loganberry Lodge, which is part of the Runwood Homes group, competed against several other Colchester care homes in the FaNs Network-organised event.

Naomi Cranmer, wellbeing lead at Loganberry Lodge, said the event was "great fun to be a part of", adding how it was "even sweeter to know the effort we put in sealed the win for us".

"The residents enjoyed the celebration, and it was a proud moment for us," she said.

Residents and staff prepared a triumphant Disney-themed cake, which was chosen as the top creation.

The team took inspiration from Alice in Wonderland for their showstopper.

In a joint venture, residents participated in everything from brainstorming to selecting ingredients from local shops.

John Dunea, home manager, said: "I’m proud of the residents and staff involved in creating this beautiful and tasty creation.

"I know my staff thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this and the wonderful memories they made with our residents."