DRUG users risk involvement in knife crime and trafficking when they dabble in illicit substances, a leading Essex Police officer has warned.

Detective Inspector Karen Miller, who is tasked with reducing serious violence in Essex through Operation Grip, told the Gazette data analytics are used to target crime hotspots and identify connections between different offences.

She said: “If you are involved in a drugs line or you are a drug user, you are more likely to be a victim of violence than if you weren’t.

“For each district, we look at different locations – so in Colchester, that could be where we know users may be or may sell or buy, and we target those areas and can allocate more patrols and policing.”

She continued by explaining how Essex Police works with the metropolitan to target drug lines.

“We make sure we communicate with the Metropolitan Police and share information between forces – a lot of people who deal drugs aren’t necessarily from Essex.

“Just because they don’t live here, doesn’t mean they cannot deal here.

“We spend a lot of time hoping and wishing we can reduce drug driven violence.

“We try to prevent that harm for people – if only we had that magic wand.”