A SCHOOL which avoided being marked down by inspectors is doing everything it can to hold onto its “good” rating, its headteacher has said.

Hazelmere Infant School and Nursery remains a “good” school after its latest visit by Ofsted, a report published on Tuesday reveals.

Lead inspector Kim Pigram praised the schoolchildren who “look forward to breaktimes and lunchtimes and like playing with their friends” and who say bullying “does not happen often”.

The staff were also praised for using “well-considered techniques” to help their pupils access and enjoy their learning.

But despite praising the “happy school” in Hawthorn Avenue after a two-day ungraded visit in March, the education watchdog has warned the “inspection grade might not be as high if a graded inspection were carried out now”.

Ms Pigram said “longstanding issues related to staffing turnover and training” meant children in the nursery “are not getting off to the best start possible”.

The report, however, acknowledges the school is “increasingly investing in pupils’ communication and language” to combat any gaps in their learning.

Headteacher Steven Turnbull said he and his colleagues have already started addressing the concerns flagged by the inspector.

He said: “We are very pleased that our inspection recognised the hard work our staff team put in every day to achieve the best for our children and that our school remains ‘good’. 

“Our parents are very supportive of the school and our children are happy and safe in school.”

“The inspection highlighted some areas to develop which we have immediately started work on,” he added.

“Last September we recruited a number of new staff to join our expanding staff team rather than staff leaving.  They are all making a really positive difference to the education of our children.

“Our governing body and all school staff are also putting in place enhanced systems to monitor different aspects of the school’s work. 

“We are very confident that these will be fully in place by the end of term and look forward to sharing this at a future inspection.”

The school’s next inspection will be graded, Ofsted said.