THE leader of Colchester Council has defended a proposed move to make changes which could limit residents’ ability to speak up at public meetings.

The authority is looking to make changes to the “have your say” section of its public meetings, where members of the public can put questions to the city’s politicians.

The city’s High Steward, Sir Bob Russell, previously hit out at the plans, accusing the council of “gagging” Colchester residents.

Gazette: Frustrated - Sir Bob RussellFrustrated - Sir Bob Russell (Image: Seana Hughes)

But council leader David King has defended the “proposed and modest” changes, which will be debated by councillors at a meeting on Wednesday.

He said: “Our proposed and modest changes to the right of ‘have your say’ at the beginning of a meeting do not therefore deserve Sir Bob’s reference to ‘gagging’ or his suggestion I or the cabinet lack confidence in what we do.

“We have taken a dozen or more no notice questions in a row before in public meetings. But that isn’t their prime purpose and isn't always fair or helpful to any including the questioner.

“We need a better balance for ‘have your say’ not to be so extended and unprepared at the expense of others left waiting an hour or more.”