A DEVELOPMENT boss has said he hopes a new pedestrian crossing in a busy Colchester road will provide "a safe route" for all. 

Richard Hush, the managing director of Persimmon Homes Essex, has confirmed the toucan crossing in Berechurch Hall Road will be finished this autumn.

It comes after Essex Highways said earlier this week work had finally got underway following months of delays. 

The need for a crossing was previously raised by residents living on the St Michael’s Place development which is owned by Persimmon Homes.

Gazette: Delighted - councillors Claire Osborne and Dave Harris next to where the crossing will beDelighted - councillors Claire Osborne and Dave Harris next to where the crossing will be (Image: Public)

Without a crossing, it was feared those with disabilities would not be able to safely travel over the road, nor children who attend the nearby school.

In addition to the crossing a footway and cycleway will be extended to pass the nearby St Michael’s Primary School, in Camulodunum Way.

Richard Hush, managing director of Persimmon Homes Essex, said: "We have now started work on the highways upgrades to the entrance of the Michael's Place development in Berechurch Hall Road.

"During the first phase we will complete works to the junction and footpath, as well as the Marfleet Way crossing and the initial works for the toucan crossing.

"Final works will take place during the summer period, in line with a request from Essex Highways.

"The new crossing will be completed this autumn, providing a safe route for pedestrians to and from this new community, especially young families travelling to the nearby primary school."