COUNCILLORS have spoken of their shock after three drug-related deaths in Colchester and have vowed to support communities in the aftermath of the incident.

Colchester council leader David King praised Essex Police for the speed of their response after the force arrested three men as part of their investigation.

He said: “The council are committed to helping Greenstead, now and working for better longer term.

Gazette: Concern – David King said that although incidents were rare, they are 'shocking'Concern – David King said that although incidents were rare, they are 'shocking' (Image: Steve Brading)

“We know these events are rare, but every life lost is a huge shock, deeply upsetting to the family and friends of those affected and of deep concern for the wider community.”

Mr King, who has led Colchester Council for two years, added the local authority will work with charities, support groups, and law enforcement to reassure the members of the public in the aftermath of the deaths.

He continued: “I welcome the swift action of our police partners and the assurance this will give others.

“We will continue to work with them and others, and to help wherever we can.”

Essex Police has said two men remain in custody for questioning following the deaths.

Tim Young, who works for the drugs and alcohol support service Open Road, said: “These are shocking events and I have never known so many deaths in such a short space of time.

“We need to help the police and other agencies with their investigation and catch the perpetrators involved and bring them to justice.”

Gazette: Support – Tim Young directed anyone with any drug dependency issues to the Open Road charitySupport – Tim Young directed anyone with any drug dependency issues to the Open Road charity (Image: Steve Brading)

Mr Young added the Open Road charity can help anyone who is suffering from a drug dependency or addiction.

“Open Road is the local charity for people who have alcohol or drug addictions – there’s a centre in Colchester people can use, and there are others all over Essex.”

Anyone struggling with drug dependence should contact