TERRIFIED residents say construction lorries using a narrow lane is an "accident waiting to happen".

Lorries are using Hall Road, in Copford, as a through road while 50 houses are constructed by developer Dandara. 

But nearby residents say they fear for “the safety and lives of residents” after a number of near misses from site construction vehicles on the 3.5m wide road. 

They told the Gazette they have been left scared to walk their children to school. 

Nearby residents Tracie Jackson and Eric Squires have documented instances of near misses on the road which is only 3.5m at its widest.

They say each day 1.5 tonne vans and lorries measuring 3m are using the lane to reach the building site. 

Gazette: Narrow - Two walkers on Hall Road near the construction site's main entranceNarrow - Two walkers on Hall Road near the construction site's main entrance (Image: Newsquest)

Krish Nukala, lives on Hall Road and has three children aged 13, eight and ten months. 

He said taking them on the school run is now dangerous.

When his oldest child wanted to go to the post office he was left worried amid fears vehicles using the entrance to London road often go above the 30mph speed limit.

Gazette: Tight - Krish Nukala resident of Hall Road explaining how the 'quick vehicles' can pose a danger to him reversing from his property on what was once a quiet roadTight - Krish Nukala resident of Hall Road explaining how the 'quick vehicles' can pose a danger to him reversing from his property on what was once a quiet road (Image: Newsquest)

Tracie Jackson said other neighbours were now walking their secondary-school age children to the bus stop due to fears.

She said: “Going forward we worry about the safety of young children, even teenagers, of the 50 new homes."

While Eric Squires said a traffic management system is urgently needed and has called for a pavement or walkway to be put on the road.

Gazette: Campaigners - Tracie Jackson and Eric Squires of Hall RoadCampaigners - Tracie Jackson and Eric Squires of Hall Road (Image: Newsquest)

The road has been used for more 20 years for a nearby water management plant. 

It is also well-known as a scenic walk for families, with a protected wood and designated play area up the road.

Mr Squires added: “How can they justify a 3m van plus 500 cm for wing metres coming down this road?

“Now it is just an accident waiting to happen.”

Mr Squires and Ms Jackson also claim to have evidence of vehicles coming to the site before a banksman has arrived and have questioned the bankman’s “authority” over the site workers.

Gazette: Authority - Eric Squires took this picture on May 14 of the banksman arriving at 8am after the road was blocked which was sent to Dandara for commentAuthority - Eric Squires took this picture on May 14 of the banksman arriving at 8am after the road was blocked which was sent to Dandara for comment (Image: Submitted)

While another Copford resident and dog-walker Julia told to the Gazette construction vehicles "fly" down the road and that she also had nearly been trampled on by a construction vehicle last winter.

She said: "I literally fell over, he was reversing up the road and I was behind it so he couldn't see me.

"They couldn't see me and I couldn't get up and I thought that lorry is going to go over the top of me." 

A spokesman for Colchester City Council said: “The Planning Enforcement Team are investigating potential breaches at this site and will take action where appropriate.”

Priti Patel, MP for Witham, said she understand from the council "that breeches have occurred" and that the situation needed to be "reviewed urgently".

A spokesman for Essex County Council added: ““Colchester City Council is responsible for ensuring the development follows the approved construction management plan."

"We are therefore working closely with local councillors and the local council to ensure proper procedures are adhered to.

“We understand the Planning Enforcement Team at Colchester City Council is aware of the issues and has been investigating as a matter of urgency.”

Gazette: Access - Hall Road resident Tracie Jackson showed the only other alternative access route around the new site which was steep, narrow, and unsuitable for wheelchairs or buggiesAccess - Hall Road resident Tracie Jackson showed the only other alternative access route around the new site which was steep, narrow, and unsuitable for wheelchairs or buggies (Image: Newsquest)

A spokesman from Dandara added: "Our Senior Management Team were on site yesterday to listen to the resident's concerns".

"We are looking at putting even more control measures in place following discussions with residents, and are working with Essex highways to get these implemented as soon as possible."

The spokesman added: "We are trying to organise a meeting with the parish councillor on site next week as well as the residents and senior representatives of our principal constructors, to make sure we are in full communication with everyone involved."

"As we are committed to the health and safety of members of the public we welcome residents to get in touch with us to address any concerns they may have."

HSE were contacted for comment.