POLITICANS have spoken out in support of Copford residents who are campaigning against "dangerous" Hall Road being used by construction lorries.

Lorries are using Hall Road, in Copford, as a through road while 50 houses are constructed by developer Dandara. 

Nearby residents Tracie Jackson and Eric Squires have documented instances of near misses on the 3.5m wide road due to the typical 3m size of vans.

Gazette: Narrow - Hall Road is 3.5m to 3.2m, walkers near the main site entranceNarrow - Hall Road is 3.5m to 3.2m, walkers near the main site entrance (Image: Newsquest)

They have also raised concerns about vehicles coming to the site before a banksman has arrived and have questions the bankman’s “authority over the workers.”

While another Copford resident and dog-walker Julia revealed to the Gazette that she had nearly been trampled on by vans a few weeks earlier.

Priti Patel, MP for Witham, said: “This development has caused concerns to local residents in the Copford area and we are all shocked by the reports of breaches of conditions and inconsiderate actions by the developer".

"I have raised these with Colchester City Council and pressed for action to take place. I understand from the Council that breaches have occurred and while the Council now seem satisfied that enforcement action is not needed, new evidence from residents continue to show disruption taking place."

"This situation needs to be reviewed urgently to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with conditions and with safety requirements.”

Gazette: Support - Dame Priti Patel MP for Witham supports the campaigners at Copford Hall RoadSupport - Dame Priti Patel MP for Witham supports the campaigners at Copford Hall Road (Image: PA, James Manning)

Ward councillor Kevin Bentley said: “I am not against development, but I am against development done incorrectly.

“It has been reported to me about lorries coming before the banksmen on several occasions and that is not acceptable.

"I have no reason to disbelieve my residents as they are good honest people, and it is my job to support them.”

Gazette: Renamed - Councillor Kevin Bentley said Hall Road should be instead called a lane to reflect its narrow sizeRenamed - Councillor Kevin Bentley said Hall Road should be instead called a lane to reflect its narrow size (Image: ECC)

Mr Bentley said that Hall Road should be called “a lane” instead to reflect its narrow size and he is “fully standing” behind the residents.

Mr Bentley has already asked the developers to come to a meeting on site.

He added: “The developers did come, and it was quite clear that things were happening that the residents were not happy about.

“It appears things are still happening - we are challenging that with officers at the city council as we ought to do something."