A FORMER policewoman swapped cracking down on crime for the pottery wheel and is opening a shop after launching her own business. 

Rebecca Jones, 28, set up The Ginger Potter two years ago and it has since gone from strength to strength. 

Her pottery is now used to serve up dishes at popular Colchester restaurants including Kintsu. 

She is now opening up in Acava Ardleigh Studios where potters of all ages and levels are able to learn and create alongside her. 

Becky was “freshly new” to pottery when she sought a hobby to take her mind off a loss in her family.

She said: “I found pottery better than therapy.

“I read a fiction book by Sarah Cox called ‘Thrown’ and it was all about how this lady had found a community in pottery. And it inspired me to have a google of local classes, and I found one, and I went from there.”

Becky started making mugs which “were so bad and ridiculous,” but quickly fell in love with the craft.

“Now I’ve really honed my skill,” she said. “I live by the sea, so I’m quite inspired by the coasts, blues, and waves, which I replicate in my glazes.”

After taking the plunge to have a career break from the emergency services, Becky set up social media pages for her work.

Before long, she was contacted by businesses and now supplies restaurants with her exquisite tableware.

“Life’s too short not to try something you love,” she said. “So, I tried to make a business of it, and it’s going very well.

“I feel really supported by the people around me and local businesses when I’m such a new potter.”

Becky will be offering one-to-one throwing sessions, hand-building classes, and more techniques with clay that don’t require a wheel in her studio.

She said: “It’s great for anyone to have a play with clay. It’s like playdough for adults, and kids can get involved as well.

“I’d say to people to just try it! Nothing you produce will ever be perfect and I’m learning that lesson still, but that’s why it’s so perfect: because it’s unique to you.

“You have created that with your own hands, literally from a lump of mud!”
