An inflatable pink unicorn was one of the highlights of a spring celebration at a community garden in Clacton.

Community Voluntary Services Tendring (CVST) planned and hosted the event at The Kennedy Way Community Garden on May 1.

Visitors enjoyed a plant sale, macrame crafting, Tai Chi sessions, and more, while crafts and plants grown in the garden were also available for purchase.

Lisa Andrews, deputy chief officer at CVST, said: "It was a beautiful day at the community garden.

"So many people came out to have a look around and take part in activities.

"We had cakes and refreshments.

"It was a lovely way to celebrate not only spring and some nice warm weather, but the garden itself and all the volunteers who make it such an incredible space."

Gardening experts answered questions and visitors had a chance to make bird feeders with volunteers.

However, CVST pointed out that more help is needed.

Lynn Reed-Golden, CVST’s community connector at Kennedy Way, said: "We are still in need of people to help, particularly at the Men’s Shed where we need volunteers able to mentor others to learn woodwork skills.

"Anyone interested can call me for an informal chat on 07759 128447."