Residents and business owners in Colchester are set to roll up their sleeves for a collaborative Day of Action.

The effort will address issues such as littering, street cleaning and upkeeping street furniture on Osborne St, Queen St, St Botolph’s Street and St Botolph’s Priory.

Council staff will be on hand during the May 20 event to aid in the clean-up and deliver advice on topics like living expenses, council tax, and street matters.

Neighbourhood Services and Waste Portfolio Holder, Cllr Martin Goss, said: “Community involvement is crucial when it comes to maintaining areas of the city.

"Although we have a thorough maintenance programme in place, communities can make a huge difference too.

"These activities do not replace our maintenance schedules but make a special contribution to support them."

Anyone wanting to get involved or to find out more can get in touch at

Residents needn't be limited to action days to help clean up their local area.

The council's Litter Warriors initiative, a scheme that rallies residents to keep areas litter-free, welcomes regular volunteers.

The scheme encourages residents to clean up a space important to them, such as the street they live on, or their favourite park or open space.

Visit the council website to find out more.