AN increased police presence will “limit the risk of any disorder” after fears were raised about a potential car meet on Canvey, police have said.

Essex Police says officers on Canvey are acting proactively to prevent disorder arising out of a potential car meet this weekend.

The force has received reports that an event could be held in the Roscommon Way area on Saturday evening.

“Previous events have caused issues for residents due to the noise and the nature of the driving,” a spokesman said.

RELATED: Fifteen drivers fined after 'illegal and dangerous' car meet on Canvey Island

Alongside Castle Point Council, a public spaces protection order (PSPO) has been introduced to tackle similar issues from reoccurring.

Insp David Kealy said: “In the past, roads in this area have been used for racing, creating a serious risk to all involved.

“We want to demonstrate our commitment to tackling anti-social behaviour by making sure we limit the risk of any disorder.

“We will be maintaining a visible presence in the area to deter any potential offenders, deal with breaches of the PSPO and prevent road traffic offences.

“Anyone with concerns should of course reach out to us, either by approaching an officer or getting in touch with us online.”