A detailed application for controversial proposals to build 26 homes at a site near Rastrick Bowling Club has been submitted to a council.

The proposals by Holcombe will see the homes built at land off Bowling Alley, Rastrick, Brighouse.

Outline permission has already been granted – establishing access and the principle of development – from Calderdale Council to develop 26 homes at the site.

When the outline application was submitted, 121 letters of objection were received to the plans, with four letters of support received.

Objectors included Calder Valley MP Craig Whittaker, who raised concerns about drainage, loss of green space and impact on wildlife.

Coun Regan Dickenson (Con, Rastrick) and Coun Sophie Whittaker (Con, Rastrick) also misgivings as ward councillors.

The new application seeks to address the detail, dealing with issues including construction, ecological management, lighting and any potential land contamination issues.

These will include a biodiversity protection zone around the River Calder – which is around 1km of the site – while building work is carried out, says an assessment compiled by E3P for agents Eden Building Design Ltd.