A COLCHESTER man admitted driving the ‘wrong way’ on a major motorway in an effort to avoid traffic caused by a crash.

Road policing officers responded to a collision on the northbound M11 between junctions eight and nine at Birchanger, at around 8pm on November 29 last year.

Officers witnessed a Volkswagen car driving on the hard shoulder, heading southbound towards oncoming traffic.

The specialist police officers stopped and questioned the driver, who admitted he had been driving the wrong way to avoid being stuck in the traffic caused by the collision.

Gazette: Motorway - the M11Motorway - the M11 (Image: Newsquest)

After an appearance at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court on April 10, Charlie Wilkinson, of Lord Holland Road, was ordered to complete 200 hours of community service.

Wilkinson, 27, has also been disqualified from holding a driving licence for a year, and he will have to take an extended test before regaining it.

Roads policing officer, PC Danny Wheeler, said: “This is one of the most dangerous things that any driver could do because of the risk of serious injury to other road users, should there be a collision.

“It is not acceptable to use the hard shoulder in this manner.

“Anyone else who does, can expect and will be brought before the courts.”

Essex Police said its roads policing unit works hard to keep the county’s roads safe for everyone.

Gazette: the force - an image of a police officer waitingthe force - an image of a police officer waiting (Image: Submitted)

The force supports the Under Vision Zero campaign, a Safer Essex Roads Partnership which aims to eliminate death and serious injuries on the county’s roads by 2040.

An Essex Police spokesman said: “We would encourage all drivers to support Vision Zero and adhere to the Highway Code.

“Anyone who captures instances of poor and dangerous driving on a journey cam or dash cam, can submit the footage to Extra Eyes where we will review it and take appropriate action.”

Essex Police’s commercial vehicle unit last month issued 126 traffic offence reports and seized 12 uninsured vehicles during patrols on major county roads.

For more information head to saferessexroads.org/extra-eyes.