“To promote and further an interest in STEM subjects” – Antony Collier, Head of STEM and Interventions in Science.

This is, according to him, the main aim of the STEM Leaders program but what does it actually do?

Firstly STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
STEM leaders are in charge of organising certain science themed events throughout the year and visit primaries to teach the next classes about STEM.

For students to be STEM leaders at the start of the school year those pupils wishing to be STEM leaders apply via email and if accepted the pupils choose a challenge to do and get split into groups to complete it.

These challenges can take the form of visiting primary schools, preparing competitions, organising a science themed treasure hunt or even leading the in-form competitions for science week.

All of these activities are overseen and supervised by Mr Collier, whose role in this is to “guide and supervise the implementation of activities that STEM leaders choose”.

The actual STEM leaders are pupils who choose to do this, one such pupil stated the reason that they wanted to do this was to improve various skills, indeed their actual statement was – “I wanted to become a stem leader to hone teaching skills and learn better communication skills.”

Apparently being a STEM leader also offers further beneficial qualities as the STEM leader went on to say “Stem leadership is very independent as most of the admin, set up, etc.. is entirely done by yourself.”

Penultimately some of the upcoming events for STEM leaders is a treasure hunt (similar to last year’s), organizing the in-form competitions and going to more primary schools to further an interest in STEM subjects.

Finally the opinion of the current STEM leaders seems very positive with one STEM leader saying – “I enjoy being a stem leader as it gives you creative freedom and gives you lots of skills that are useful for future jobs and career paths.”