POLICE seized four different phones and a bag of Fentanyl medication when arresting Luke D’Wit on suspicion of murder last year, a court has heard.

The prosecution has continued to call witnesses as part of their case against D’Wit, who denies murdering Stephen and Carol Baxter in April last year.

The couple were found unresponsive in their conservatory in Victory Road, West Mersea, by their daughter on Easter Sunday 2023.

D’Wit was arrested on Thursday, July 6, whilst he was at work at offices at Essex University’s Knowledge Gateway.

Gazette: Tragic - Stephen and Carol Baxter were found dead at their home in Victory Road, West Mersea, on Easter Sunday last yearTragic - Stephen and Carol Baxter were found dead at their home in Victory Road, West Mersea, on Easter Sunday last year (Image: Press Association)

On Thursday, the court was played footage of D’Wit being arrested by Essex Police’s PC Hennessey, who was then called to the witness box to give evidence.

In the footage, which was recorded via bodycam at 8.47am on July 6, 2023, PC Hennessey tells D’Wit: “The reason I’m here today mate is to arrest you on suspicion of murder.”

D’Wit looked composed when was arrested, before he was then taken into custody.

Police then seized D’Wit’s property from an office in Essex University’s Knowledge Gateway, including four phones and his work computer.

Police also seized a black bag containing Fencino, a brand of medication which contains Fentanyl - the painkiller which a coroner concluded had contributed to Mr Baxter’s death.

PC Hennessey told the court how D’Wit told him at the police station that the Fencino was for his granddad, who D'Wit claimed had died two weeks earlier.

Tracy Ayling KC, prosecuting asked: "Did [D'Wit] make a comment about his bag, and that it was his bag?

“Did he say, 'that is my bag with my granddad’s stuff inside, he died a few weeks ago’?”

Gazette: Denied - Luke D'Wit has denied two counts of murderDenied - Luke D'Wit has denied two counts of murder (Image: Essex Police)

PC Hennessey replied yes to both questions, and told Mrs Ayling KC that before he opened a Tesco bag inside D'Wit's black rucksack, the defendant told him: “They are my granddad's - I was meant to take them to the pharmacy.”

D’Wit, the prosecution say, used Fentanyl and Promethazine to poison the Baxters so he could inherit their business.

D’Wit denies two charges of murder.

The trial continues.