A FIRST responder who attended the scene where Carol and Stephen Baxter were found dead has said there was “nothing to indicate” the two had agreed a suicide pact.

On the fourth day of the Mersea murder trial, the prosecution read out a statement provided by a member of Mersea Island Community Responders.

The statement explained their version of events after attending the Baxters' address in Victory Road on Easter Sunday last year, when the two had been found poisoned.

Junior prosecuting barrister, Michael Stradling, read out the witness statement which said there was no evidence of Mr and Mrs Baxter having agreed a suicide pact.

The statement read: “I was asked [on the scene] if it was a suicide pact, but there was nothing to indicate that, so I called the police.

"The house was immaculate and clean – there wasn’t even a cup out of place.

“After the incident, I assessed their medical history and there was no medication history apart from male's knee replacement and the female's thyroid problem.

Gazette: Charged - Luke D'Wit is standing trial for murderCharged - Luke D'Wit is standing trial for murder (Image: Essex Police)

“The daughter was on the phone constantly.

"She never spoke to me – she was hysterical.”

Mr and Mrs Baxters’ daughter, Ellena Baxter, continued to give evidence under oath and was questioned by the prosecution and the defence.

As part of the proceedings, which are taking place in Chelmsford, Miss Baxter was asked how much she had inherited from her parents and whether she had any involvement in their deaths.

Adam Davis KC, defending, quizzed Miss Baxter on how much she had inherited to date from her parents after they were found dead.

He said: "How much have you inherited so far?” to which Miss Baxter replied, "Is that something I have to answer?"

Mr Davis KC continued: “If I have asked something that is unfair, I am sure I will be told by the learned judge.”

Gazette: Scene - the police attended the scene on Easter Sunday last yearScene - the police attended the scene on Easter Sunday last year (Image: Essex Police)

When Judge Richard Lavendar did not intervene, Miss Baxter answered: “So far, it’s about £200,000.”

His questioning then moved onto whether Miss Baxter was involved in her parents’ death.

He asked: “Were you involved in your parents death in any way?” to which Miss Baxter replied, “no”.

Miss Baxter then gave the same answer when asked whether she was involved in a cover-up of her parents’ suicide, or setting D’Wit up to make it look as if he was responsible.

She replied: “No, not at all. All I am guilty of is loving my parents.”

Luke D’Wit, who was arrested on suspicion of murder in July last year, denies murdering the couple.

The trial continues.