A MAN on trial for double murder “was like a brother” to the daughter of the married couple he is accused of killing, a court heard.

Ellena Baxter gave evidence on Tuesday at the trial of Luke D'Wit, 34, who is charged with murdering her parents Stephen and Carol Baxter in April last year. 

D'Wit, who has appeared at Chelmsford Crown Court in a wheelchair, is accused of poisoning the couple at their home in Victory Road, Mersea. 

After taking the stand, Adam Davis KC quizzed Miss Baxter on her evidence, questioning her about her relationship with her family, her role in Carol Baxter’s Cazsplash business, and her relationship with D’Wit.

Miss Baxter told the court how there had been several family arguments about her involvement in the business, and in one message to D’Wit had responded “drama, drama, drama” when he asked her how things were at home.

Gazette: Questioned - D'Wit was questioned informally by police on the day Stephen and Carol Baxter were found deadQuestioned - D'Wit was questioned informally by police on the day Stephen and Carol Baxter were found dead (Image: Essex Police)

Messages from Mrs Baxter to her daughter were also seen by the court, with one sent in July 2021 reading: “How often have you worked four full days in the last year?

“It [the business] will all be yours at some point.

“You don’t look after money when you get it.”

When that text was read out in court, Miss Baxter told the court: “I was going through a lot myself - working with family can be quite fractious.

“To bring a mum-daughter relationship into a place of work does bring its own problems.”

The court also heard how D’Wit had invested £20,000 in the Cazsplash business, with Miss Baxter responding that although the defendant “only wanted to do the basics” as part of the business, he was still like a brother to her.

Gazette: Scene - Police were called to the Baxters' address in Victory Road on Easter Sunday last yearScene - Police were called to the Baxters' address in Victory Road on Easter Sunday last year (Image: Essex Police)

Mr Davis KC said: "Were you aware he invested £20,000 in Cazsplash?"

Miss Baxter replied: "I was not... There was some talk about it going into a printing direction. He got put through many training courses.

"My mum tried to encourage him and spent money on courses for him. Time and time again, he proved his work ethic was not there and he didn’t want to do more than the basics.

"I honestly thought Luke was my brother - I really, really did.”