TWO swans found love and a new home in Manningtree after unsuccessful attempts to find mates. 

Members of the WeCare Wildlife Rescue Centre in Brantham were called to the rescue of a female swan in Manningtree and a male swan in Bawdsey, Suffolk, two weeks ago. 

Both birds fell victim to the often violent behaviour of swans defending their mates ahead of the breeding season in spring. 

The male swan was left with bruised wings, while the female had been left dazed after being attacked. 

Stefaan Simons, press officer at the wildlife rescue said: “We nursed them back to health and, in a nice twist of fate, the two bonded with each other at the Rescue Centre and became a loved-up pair. 

“So, we released them together into the River Stour and off they went.” 

Last weekend, the rescue centre received another call regarding a couple of swans. 

Mr Simons said: “This weekend, we got a call from the police saying that there were two errant swans on the road at Cattawade.  

Gazette: Rescued - Two swans were rescued by the WeCare Wildlife rescue centre

“Seems they mistook the road for the river, as it was partially flooded.” 

The pair was identified as the loved-up pair by the wildlife rescue founder Gill Lewis, who took them to The Walls at Manningtree, where they were released.