A WORRIED mother is angry after her son and stepson were robbed and threatened with being stabbed in what she believes was a "gang-related" incident.

The Halstead mum who asked to remain anonymous, spoke to the Gazette about the moment her 13-year-old son and 14-year-old stepson were robbed in broad daylight on January 27.

The teenagers were part of a group of five pals who were walking along Kings Road towards the nearby Premier convenience store.

At about 3.50pm, they were approached by a male, who said: "Run me your bag - I’m going to bore you."

Gazette: Location - A Street View image of Kings RoadLocation - A Street View image of Kings Road (Image: Google Maps)

The slang means: 'Give me your bag - I’m going to stab you'.

The older teenager was holding his hand inside his jacket as if he had a knife.

The stepson took off his fake Louis Vuitton crossbody bag and handed it over to the aggressor.

The thief then walked off with the bag which contained the 14-year-old’s medication for ADHD, a Ralph Lauren card wallet, gift card, and some change.

She said: “They weren’t scared but couldn’t believe it had happened.

“I was angry. My partner drove around the town to try find someone that fitted the description they gave us.

“I wasn’t shocked. Things like this seem to keep happening in Halstead.

"It didn’t’ surprise me, although this is the first time it has happened to our family.”

She has worked in an office which looked out over Halstead Public Gardens, and believes she has seen the individual as part of a gang several times.

She said: “I have lived here all my life. How it is now is different to what my childhood was like.

“Certainly, there is a well-known gang in Halstead. Over a year ago I started working opposite the Public Gardens and from our window, daily, we would see so much happening.

Gazette: Beauty spot - Halstead's Public GardensBeauty spot - Halstead's Public Gardens (Image: Newsquest)
“All last summer, we would see knives being branded, drug dealing, assault - there has been a lot going on.”

An Essex Police spokesman said: "We are currently investigating a robbery, which took place in Halstead on January 27. 

“The victim was walking along Kings Road at around 4pm when they were approached by a boy who threatened him before stealing his bag. 

“The suspect is described as a white boy, aged 16 to 17 with dark, curly hair. He was wearing all black clothes including a black Nike gilet.”

“Enquiries remain ongoing and anyone with any information is asked to contact us, quoting reference 834 of January 27.”