NOW in its 17th year, thousands of free trees, shrubs and fruit bushes can be collected by Colchester residents.

Colchester Council’s Trees for Years programme will see 10,000 plants up for grabs.

The plants have been chosen for their ability to promote wildlife in gardens and value to the local bee population.

Residents can choose a maximum of four plants per household via a click-and-collect system.

Trees available include Red and Yellow Dogwoods, Silver Birch, Hazel, Field Maple, Raspberry, Blackcurrant, Bird Cherry and Forsythia.

All trees are bare-root and range in height from 50cm to 1.2m.

The initiative will be funded as part of the Woodland and Biodiversity Project, which previously worked towards planting four memorial blossom circles at Kings Head Meadow in Castle Park to commemorate the Covid-19 pandemic, discontinuing the use of glyphosate-based products for general maintenance and more.

Andrea Luxford-Vaughan, portfolio holder for planning, environment, and sustainability, said: “The success of the Trees for Years programme, coupled with the achievements of the Woodland and Biodiversity Project, showcases our community's dedication to a sustainable and vibrant future.

“As we distribute trees to our residents, we celebrate the collective strides we've taken in transforming Colchester into a greener city for future generations.”

For more information, or to book your slot, click here to be directed to the Colchester Council page.