A MAN “took advantage” of a drunken woman by raping her in a field on the way home from a night out, a court has heard.

Shane Farrow, of Spruce Avenue, Colchester, is facing a trial relating to a single rape charge, with the jury set to start deliberating on Wednesday and a verdict expected later this week.

The court heard how Farrow, 37, had been at a friend's house with a group of men and women in Colchester on February 1, 2020.

In the early hours of February 2, Farrow, who works as a fencer and had taken cocaine that evening, then had sex with a woman in a field near Porters Brook.

The prosecution has argued the woman was not in a fit state to consent.

Gazette: Arrest - the jury was played bodycam footage of Farrow's arrestArrest - the jury was played bodycam footage of Farrow's arrest (Image: Police)
During the trial, the jury watched bodycam footage recorded by PC Penny Felton, who had been on duty that night, as she attended a 999-call made by the woman minutes after the incident.

The jury also saw bodycam footage of Farrow’s arrest and heard a recorded police interview given by both Farrow and the alleged victim.

On Tuesday, Farrow was cross-examined by the prosecution.

Joanne Eley, prosecuting, told the court Farrow’s use of cocaine and alcohol intake contributed to an inflated sense of confidence which led him to having sex with the woman in the field.

In her closing remarks, Mrs Eley said: “Farrow accepted he had been using cocaine that night, despite denying it previously.

“There’s [also] toxicology evidence for the woman, which is important.

Gazette: Response - the woman dialled 999 shortly after the incident on February 2, 2020Response - the woman dialled 999 shortly after the incident on February 2, 2020 (Image: NQ)

“From the back calculation, at 3.48am she was three times over the legal limit [for drink driving] – there are details of how intoxicated she was.

"He degraded her, took advantage of her, and left her like a piece of litter on the floor in the field."

Tara McCarthy, defending, drew on the cross-examination of PC Felton, who said the woman did not seem drunk when she attended the 999 call.

She said: “I wouldn’t have said she was drunk – she had no slurred speech and she didn’t smell overwhelmingly intoxicated.”

The trial continues.