Cats, with their playful antics, budding curiosity and soothing purrs often make the perfect animal companion. Because of this, approximately 26% of all households in the UK home a pet cat. However, there are unfortunately many factors that can cause cats to become homeless. It is in these circumstances that cat rescue charities do vital work to ensure the safety and happiness of any cat that may find themselves in a tricky situation.  

Toe Beans Cat Rescue is a small cat rescue charity situated in Uttlesford. They consist of 16 volunteers that work tirelessly to ensure the safety of local cats. They do this by taking in homeless cats, providing them with veterinary treatment (including vaccinations, neutering and microchips) and then fostering and rehoming them. Toe Beans also help lost cats find their way home by scanning cats in their care for microchips. 

The charity uses foster carers to care for every cat that they rescue. This involves temporarily housing the cats to ensure that they are ready to live in a home environment before finding them a forever home. Toe Beans Cat Charity do not use pens or cages for rescue cats, except for in the rare situation where a cat is feral and not used to being in a home environment. The benefit of fostering is evident, and as Lucy, the manager stated, ‘We find that the cats adopted through us settle very quickly in their new homes due to being in a foster home’.  

Sadly, cat charities face many difficulties when it comes to running their organizations. Lucy stated that their biggest challenge at the moment is the ‘high rise in vets bills and the number of cats coming through our doors’. She attributes this to the Cost-of-Living Crisis causing many pet owners to have to make the difficult decision to rehome their cats.  

Toe Beans are always looking for more volunteers and foster carers as the charity runs solely on donations and grants, with no one taking a salary. They are also currently looking for a Fundraising Coordinator.  

Toe Beans Cat Rescue rehome cats all over the country, not just in Uttlesford where they are based. They are happy to give advice and support to adopters. 

 If you are interested in getting involved or adopting a cat, please visit 

Home checks and donation fees may apply. Registered charity number 1194490.