A YOUNG man living in a Colchester care facility has seen his dream of visiting London become a reality. 

Arthur Trueman, of Ewer Court, was able to go on an unforgettable trip to the heart of the capital, experiencing the city's vibrant culture for the first time.

Having always wanted to go to London, workers at Ewer Court set about organising an unforgettable trip.

The trip saw him experience the city’s vibrant culture for the first time and watch the ground-breaking wheelchair show The Little Big Things.


Based on the life of Henry Fraser, who severely crushed his spinal cord aged 17, resonated deeply with Arthur, who described the production as “fantastic”. 

Arthur’s journey to London was made possible thanks to support worker Jane Moore, who accompanied Arthur to ensure a memorable and smooth experience. 

He said: “The trip was an interesting experience, and I am very grateful the staff supported me, particularly the ride on the London Underground at rush hour. 

"I also saw an adorable dog on the train which just capped off a great day."

Dema Deam, deputy manager at Ewer Court, added: “Arthur's enthusiasm and determination to explore and experience new things are truly inspiring.  

“His trip to London is just the beginning of many more adventures for him. We are incredibly proud of his courage and adventurous spirit.”