Over the past weekend, many areas of Suffolk have faced flooding, with some areas affected more or less than others.

The first image shown displays one of the lakes at the nature reserve of Lackford Lakes, owned by Suffolk Wildlife Trust, in which high water levels have engulfed a platform closer to the water’s surface for viewing the lake and local wildlife. In addition to this, some other paths were flooded, leading to the closure of some trails. However, many hides remained open, allowing visitors to view the wildlife regardless.

This came after stormy weather over areas of Suffolk caused the ground to become saturated, leading to the appearance of many puddles and also flooded woodland areas. In other places, flooding was more severe and affected urban areas with a greater intensity. The storm that brought about such conditions was named Storm Henk.

Luckily, when we revisit the area the next weekend, water levels in the area are significantly lower, with the viewing platform at Lackford Lakes now being above the level of the lake. The second image shows the same platform, that is now fully visible and above the water level.

Nearby, whilst some areas by the sides of the roads remain waterlogged, this is a sign that the ground could be getting gradually less saturated, and the excess water beginning to recede.

Based on this, it is likely that the amount of water will continue to decrease, though at present it appears to have receded enough that it causes no issues.