Bringing the amazing world of film to Long Road Sixth Form, this amazing film club is a must know about, especially for students at the college!

Notably, showing a range of media from movies of different genres to documentaries and series, the film club at Long Road is a big bonus for those attending the Sixth Form. Run by John Quilente, an LSA at the college, the club is easily and openly accessible to all, every single Friday during term. 

Significantly, the club, although not originally created by John, was taken up by him as a result of his love for media. Namely, and as is reflected in his sharing of such media on a weekly basis, John’s interests range quite drastically from standalone movies, Videogames and documentaries to full-on sagas, series and mangas. As a result, not only do those visiting the club get a free and easy watch of potentially some of their favourite media productions, but they may also indulge in endless conversation with “like minded individuals”, making the club an excellent place for friendships to form within the college.

Moving on, fittingly, the film club, every Friday, typically sees a broad range of visitors. Specifically, being open to both Year 12 (1st Year) or Year 13 (2nd Year) students, the club also provides a perfect place for said groups to co-exist and have fun. Namely, talking to John Quilente, he himself said,

“We do have regulars who come in” and “Especially if it's a very popular film”,

Proving that, on the right days, potentially an entire class full of students can arrive at the club, coming together under a common interest to enjoy media. On top of that, raising the inclusivity of the club to the roof, John also aims to display wide ranges of media, alike previously mentioned, showing “contemporary films, like Howl's Moving Castle”, “Documentaries from David Attenborough” and, of course, “A spree of Marvel movies”, keeping regular attendees satisfied with instant classics, whilst also bringing in new viewers from different audiences.

Lastly, looking more into the nitty-gritty of the club, John, avoiding any risks of showing graphical content, restricts his films, importantly, to those only below an 18 rating. Notably, he strives to keep the club inclusive to those more squeamish as he ensures every movie he shows is relatively clean with a dedicated look over the BBFC’s official website for insights.

And so, in conclusion, even if you, personally, don’t attend the college, let it still be known of the good this club brings to it as it bridges an undeniable gap between age groups. Not only that, but if you, yourself, attend the college and are available, starting at Lunchtime, make sure to attend!