A DOG walker helped rescue a swan with her mum.. after it was stranded for more than 12 hours near Colchester.

The woman became concerned after finding the adult swan in a field, at Stoke-by-Nayland, which made no attempt to fly away from her and her dog when approached.

After returning 12 hours later, the dog walker, this time with her mother, found the regal bird had not moved from its position so decided to call, the Swan Sanctuary.

The charity reached out to Joanne Newson, who runs the Wildlife Rescue Service, who attempted to get hold of her contacts near Colchester, unfortunately to no avail.

So instead she offered advice over the phone - which led the mum and daughter eventually getting the swan back to safety.

Joanne told the Gazette she believes the issue may have been the swan getting confused or “crashing”.

She said: “Swans can land for several reasons, sometimes just to rest and feed but sometimes they crash after becoming disoriented and tired.


"Leaving a swan on land overnight is far from ideal.”

After a quick health assessment over the phone, she explained to the dog walker how to pick the bird up carefully and where to release it.

Joanne said: “I can’t thank the family enough for their willingness to help and the swan was released successfully on a local waterway.

“Should you ever come across a swan or cygnet, and you are concerned about it, please always ring the Swan Sanctuary for advice and do not attempt to pick the bird up yourself.

“They are very powerful birds and while the ‘breaking of arms’ has become the unrealistic go-to phrase, they can give you a hefty wallop if handled incorrectly.

“There is also the risk of injuring the bird further by mishandling.

“Releasing an adult or cygnet into the territory of another pair can have not only catastrophic results as resident birds can fight to the death to hold a territory but the swan may have injuries that need addressing.

“Please always get advice.”

To contact the Swan Sanctuary if you come across a stranded, or distressed, swan call 01932 240790.