A DRUG dealer moved from Reading to Colchester in an attempt to rebuild his life... only to start peddling heroine and crack cocaine in Greenstead and Wivenhoe.

David Connor, of Berefield Way, Colchester, appeared in Ipswich Crown Court on Wednesday where he was jailed for several years after admitting two counts of supplying Class A drugs during a three-month period from March to June of this year.

A co-defendant, Aaron Jones, was sentenced to a seven-year jail term in October after being found guilty of the same charges.

Before passing his sentence, judge Martyn Levett warned Connor he was facing a similar fate as it was his third drug-related offence and he had already been serving a suspended sentence.

Gazette: Trial - David Connor was sentenced by Judge Martyn Levett on WednesdayTrial - David Connor was sentenced by Judge Martyn Levett on Wednesday (Image: Newsquest)

He said: “You too are at risk of the same lengthy sentence because you have two previous drug dealing convictions and you have been convicted of Class A drug use and possession.

“You moved away from Reading to disassociate yourself from drug users and give yourself a new opportunity.

“In one way or another, that new beginning was coming to Colchester, but you didn’t change your ways.

“[Your offending] caused a lot of misery to families and relationships despite being given a suspended sentence order – that should have taught you something.

In Connor’s defence, Stephen Dyble argued the accused had only been a ‘runner’ in the operations – a term used to describe someone who delivers drugs from a dealer to a customer.

He said: “Things came to a head in 2019 or 2020 when he was being required to sell drugs on behalf of a line based in Reading.

Gazette: Hotspot - the court heard how much of Connor's offending took place in Greenstead, Colchester Hotspot - the court heard how much of Connor's offending took place in Greenstead, Colchester (Image: Google Street View)

“As a consequence, the defendant was subjected to a punishment beating that resulted in him losing sight in one eye.

“Since that attack, Connor has lived on the edge of the drug trafficking world.”

But judge Levett was unmoved, saying: “You have dabbled in drugs for two decades now.

"You might not get it, but you are responsible for your own downfall in many ways.”

Passing the sentence, Judge Levett ordered Connor, 37, to serve a prison term of five years, eight months, and four days.