A COLCHESTER resident says he has been forced to vacate his flat just weeks after moving in after leaks fried his electrics which left him in darkness. 

Adam Byrne, 25, moved into a Notting Hill Genesis housing association property in The Avenue on November 11. 

Disaster struck, however, just two weeks later when Adam noticed a “significant leak” above a bay window which later progressed to a chandelier in the bedroom.

By the following morning, water was dripping from the chandelier and the leaks later affected the bathroom.

The first contractor to visit the flat did not arrive until 10pm on November 27 and left after only a short investigation into the upstairs flat.

On Tuesday, another worker attended the home and saw water pouring down the light in Adam’s bedroom before deciding it was from the flat roof over the window.

Gazette: Affected - Window in Adam's flatAffected - Window in Adam's flat (Image: Submitted)

Adam’s housing officer, however, had been around that morning and enforced entry to inspect the upstairs flat but said there was nothing obvious causing the leak.

Then, on Friday, all of Adam’s lights stopped working after water found its way into the electrics before a report was submitted to Notting Hill Genesis, outlining the situation.

Gazette: Submitted - Adam ByrneSubmitted - Adam Byrne (Image: Submitted)

Adam said: “The leak is now in the bedroom, bathroom and I have buckets and pots everywhere.

“It is dripping out of the light fixtures and extractor fan and paint and ceiling is peeling and going brown.”

The contractor worked out Adam’s bathroom leak was coming from beneath the upstairs neighbour’s bathroom.

Adam added: “He said it would be a two to three man job and they would potentially have to shut the water off in the building, get access and sort it all properly.”

Later, Adam phoned his housing officer and informed her he no longer intended to stay in the property.

Until the situation is resolved, Adam and his dog are now staying with a friend.

Bosses at Notting Hill Genesis have now said the issues have been resolved and urged Adam to return to his home.

A spokesman said: “We want all our residents to have a safe, warm and comfortable home.

"Our team have been in almost daily contact with Adam since he reported the leak on Monday November 27 and were able to make his electrics safe the next day.

“Further work was required this Monday (December 4), but we remained in touch with Adam throughout to ensure his heating and lighting were working.

"We also offered to book a hotel for Monday, but as he has pets he chose to stay with a friend.

“We look forward to welcoming him back to his home very soon.”