A LEISURE centre has opened its doors to offer a safe space to people facing domestic violence and sexual harassment.

Colchester Sports Park’s new “safe space” is accessible to people facing various challenges, recognising that any vulnerability could prompt someone to seek assistance.

Staff at the council-operated leisure centre, in Cuckoo Farm Way, Colchester, have been trained to understand how to provide an effective response to a disclosure of sexual violence and domestic abuse.

The initiative focuses on creating a space for individuals facing non-severe issues, where they can receive guidance without the immediate involvement of the police.

Gazette: Site - Colchester Sports ParkSite - Colchester Sports Park (Image: Colchester Council)

Its launch is part of a broader mission to restore confidence in reporting incidents and to foster a community that actively addresses the concerns of its members.

Helen Parr, who is the chief executive of Colchester-based charity Centre for Action on Rape and Abuse (Cara), said the launch of the scheme is a move in the right direction for the city.

“The introduction of this safe space is an extremely positive step for Colchester, and for anyone who has experienced, or feels at risk of sexual harassment, sexual violence or abuse,” she said.

“We welcome this initiative and hope that it will enable Colchester residents who are concerned about their personal safety to access the support they need.”

Natalie Sommers, the city councillor responsible for communities, said Colchester Council is committed to supporting residents with their personal safety.

She said: “We are pleased to launch the first safe space of its kind in Colchester.

“This initiative signifies our dedication to creating a supportive environment where individuals can seek guidance and assistance on matters of personal safety. It is an essential step towards building a safer and more resilient community.”

Access to the safe space scheme is not limited to people facing domestic violence. It also supports people who have concerns about specific individuals or who are uncomfortable in reporting issues they perceive to be less severe to the police.

It is open between 6am and 10pm on Monday to Friday and between 8am and 8pm over the weekend.