A SPECIAL event where people can reflect and remember loved ones is set to return.

Light Up a Life, an annual event organised by St Helena Hospice, will take place on Tuesday, December 14.

The free event will see lights twinkling across the garden at the hospice, in Barncroft Close, Colchester, to honour those missed at Christmas time.

It will include a Christmas lights switch on and Christmas music performed by the Salvation Army.

Supporters also have the opportunity to dedicate a light, which will be lit up even if they can’t attend, in memory of a loved one in return for a donation to the charity.

Kelly McWilliams, senior fundraiser at St Helena, said: “The Light Up A Life event is about Christmas, coming together to remember and celebrating those no longer with us, who we miss and love.

“It will cost £30,000 to run St Helena’s services on Christmas Day and dedicating a light will help St Helena support people to make special memories and enjoy treasured traditions.

“To make sure a dedication to a loved one is included in the special Christmas remembrance booklet, please make your donation and dedication by Friday, December 8.”

Visit sthelena.org.uk/lightupalife23 for more information.