A COLCHESTER based tutoring centre that opened a second tutoring centre in the city has had a successful two weeks of opening.

Jacqui Robinson Education is an organisation that teaches maths, English and 11+ preparation classes to children aged 4-16.

The company's new additional teaching location is based at Shrub End Community and Sports Centre, in Boadicea Way, where successful in-person and online classes have been taught since its opening two weeks ago.

Gazette: Opening - Jacqui Robinson Education celebrating its new teaching locationOpening - Jacqui Robinson Education celebrating its new teaching location (Image: Natasha Latimer)

​Jacqui Robinson, CEO of Jacqui Robinson Education Centres, said: "Since we opened the new teaching location at Shrub End Community and Sports Centre it has been a great success.

"Our classes have grown steadily and are popular with parents in the local area around this new location."

The organisation's main centre is situated in a refurbished former police station, in Ipswich Road, where children are taught in small groups of up to ten students.

Gazette: Front - Jacqui Robinson education's main centreFront - Jacqui Robinson education's main centre (Image: Natasha Latimer)

A Jacqui Robinson Education spokesman said: "We plan to continue growing this teaching location and serve the needs of the children in the area.

"Many of the children attending also attend the football club at the location and it is ideal for them as they can attend both with ease.

"We encourage anyone to contact us to have a discussion to see how we can help."

For more information head to: www.jacquirobinsoneducation.co.uk