A HOSPITAL trust has joined a nationwide trial investigation of an alternative option for thyroid cancer patients. 

The East Suffolk and North Essex Trust (ESNEFT) is one of 28 hospital trusts across the country which will take part in a study investigating another treatment for people with thyroid cancer. 

Currently, the standard treatment for thyroid cancer is the complete removal of the thyroid gland, but a new trial is discovering another approach which could be as effective. 

Instead of removing the entire gland, the new trial is looking at whether a partial removal is promising the same results in treating the cancer. 

Further, the study looks at the impact of a partial or full removal for the patient and the likelihood of the cancer returning. 

Billy Wong is the head, neck and thyroid consultant surgeon at ESNEFT and the principal investigator for the new trial. 

He said: “Having your entire thyroid gland removed is a life-changing procedure and involves a considerable amount of implications.

"Patients will need to take hormone therapy for the rest of their lives and may also need to take vitamin D and calcium tablets. It can have an impact on the structures around the thyroid gland such as the nerves to the voice box. 

“Hence, a partial removal essentially halves if not eliminate these risks. 

“There is currently no consensus on what constitutes the best treatment for low-risk thyroid cancer.

"We hope that this study will provide the definitive evidence for the future of thyroid cancers.”