WINEMAKERS who are looking to expand the operations of their vineyard have had plans approved for the construction of a new barn.

Michael Roberts and Jan Wilson, who co-own Dedham Vale Vineyard, applied to Colchester Council for planning permission last month for a new building which would, according to planning papers, “provide a facility capable of meeting modern hygiene standards to make, mature and store wine”.

The new unit, which would be 24 metres in length, 15 metres in breadth, and 4.5 metres in height, is likely to be constructed now the council has approved the vineyard’s application, subject to conditions.

One condition is that the barn must be completed within five years of the permission being approved.

The application was made by Andy Cameron of Wright Ruffell Cameron Ltd, on behalf of the vineyard co-owners who have run the business since 2012.

According to a planning statement, the existing winery “is too small and a constraint on the growth of the business”.

It is hoped the new barn, however, will result in a "greater bond and increased wine production”.

Colchester Council published its final decision on the application on Monday, November 13.