THREE drug dealers who sold crack cocaine and heroin in Colchester have been hit with a so-called 'super-Asbo'.

Peter Okunzuwa, Dejah Henriques and Rowan Brown were jailed last year for their roles in running the Captain, TJ and Max drugs lines across Colchester and Chelmsford.

Each of the defendants admitted conspiracy to supply drugs involving all three lines.

Brown was jailed for 11 years to run consecutively to his current sentence of five and a half years for supplying drugs.

Henriques was sentenced to seven and a half years and Okunzuwa was sentenced to six years and nine months.

At a court hearing on Friday Judge David Turner made all three subject of a serious crime prevention order.

Under the order, which will begin when they are released from prison, none of them must own more than one mobile phone given the history of their offences.

Additionally, the defendants must notify Essex Police about their full current address, as well as the address where they will stay for more than three consecutive nights, which Judge Turner KC deemed as “more proportionate”.

The defendants will also be given a 21-day notice period for inspections at the police headquarters, which will not be more than twice a year.

The orders will last for five years after their release from prison.

A breach of those conditions could result in imprisonment for up to five years.

Serious offence prevention orders can follow a person’s conviction of a serious offence, including drug trafficking, firearm offences, armed robbery, fraud and bribery and aim to reduce the risk of re-offending and danger to the public.

The three men were sentenced alongside Amy Goldfinch, 28, of Church Road, London, who supported Brown following his imprisonment and took over the Max line.

In 2022, four other defendants, who played less significant roles in the drug conspiracies also appeared in court and admitted the charges.