PLANS which would have seen a Grade II listed High Street building in Halstead transformed into a new wine bar have been withdrawn.

The proposals were submitted to Braintree Council in September for change of use from commercial/retail to licensed premises.

The building, at the top of Halstead High Street, was previously home to financial advisors Gainsborough Wealth Management.

The residential flat above is owned by the applicants and the proposed licensed premises would have been run by them.

The proposed bar would have had limited licensed opening hours from 2pm to 11pm on Wednesday to Friday, 12noon to 11pm on Saturdays and bank holidays, and from 12noon to 10pm on Sundays.

The application said: “The applicants would also look to offer the premises as a community space between non-licensed hours during weekdays.

“There is good local transportation through the town, high street parking and longer stay available at various location in close proximity.”

Gazette: The former Former Gainsborough Wealth Management site in Halstead High Street, which would have become a wine bar under new plansThe former Former Gainsborough Wealth Management site in Halstead High Street, which would have become a wine bar under new plans (Image: Google)

The plans received mixed views from the council and community.

Halstead Town Council discussed the proposals in a meeting in September.

Councillor Janet Atkinson proposed no objection but asked for a full historic survey be carried out.

That was supported by Councillor Grahame McCoyd and unanimously agreed.

However, Halstead residents were divided on the plans.

Dawn Newton said: “Brilliant. Love to see life being brought back into our town.

“Competition is healthy. There is enough custom to go around, and I wish them the best of luck.

“Personally because of lack of choice, I’ve been going to other areas for nights out.

"How lovely to be able to support businesses in my hometown instead.”

Gemma Speers agreed, deeming it a “fab idea”.

However, some residents questioned the new plans.

Donna Cass said: “We definitely don’t need this in Halstead.

“We have a wine bar already a few doors down that is excellent, Whispers Tapas Wine Bar, and multiple pubs in the town.

“I’m sure it won’t affect the current wine bar and trade if it does go ahead – it just seems a bit silly a few doors up.”

Braintree Council's planning portal shows the plans have now been withdrawn.