A NEW doggy daycare and grooming parlour is set to open in a Colchester village after plans were approved.

Colchester Council planning bosses have greenlit a proposal to change the use of a two existing properties in Ashley Bungalow, Newbridge Road, Tiptree.

The buildings had previously been used for small-scale manufacturing, such as laser cutting, but will now be turned into a doggy daycare and grooming parlour. 

The plans, submitted in August, state the external appearance will be unaltered by the development, as will its car parking and highways access.

However, the applicant has said they intend to construct a new 1.8m fence, formed of timber posts and wire mesh around the external exercise area to maintain dog security. 

In the business' planning statement, the applicant outlined their intention to take on six full-time staff members at the site.

The plans have now been given the go-ahead by Colchester Council, so long as certain conditions are met, with the period of permission expiring on November 3, 2024.

If the project is not finished within 28 days of this date, any building, material, equipment or hard landscaping will be removed from the site in its entirety. 

The conditions also state no part of the development shall be occupied until a scheme of hard and soft landscape works has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 

In addition to this, the business’ opening hours must adhere to 9.30am - 3.30pm on weekdays, with no working hours on weekends or public holidays.

This is to ensure the development is not detrimental to those living nearby, who may be affected by noise of people leaving and entering the site.

The notice of planning decision further outlines all existing trees and hedgerows shall be retained throughout the development construction phases, unless shown to be removed on the approved drawing. 

A spokesman for Essex Highways said during the application process: “The Highway Authority is advised and understands that there will be no public access to the site whatsoever and that employees will collect and deliver any animals in vehicles under ownership of the applicant and therefore does not object to the proposals as submitted.”