A FURIOUS father has slammed a youngster as "feral scum" after his son was reportedly shot in the face at point-blank range.

The man, who has asked to remain anonymous, say his son George, 20, was heading to work having stayed at his friend's flat in Blenheim Square, North Weald.

While on his way, he is said to have noted a gang of youngsters heading in his direction. In effort to avoid any potential conflict, he crossed the road.

A few moment later, however, members of the group are said to have started attacking George with what his dad has described as a pellet gun.              

George's dad then claims one of the hoodlums opened fire directly in front of his son's face, all whilst recording it on a mobile phone.                                                       

Although his glasses somewhat shielded him from the attack, he suffered injuries to his hands after raising them to protect himself.

Gazette: Attack - George was attacked by a youth with a pellet gun which left welt marks on his hand after he protected himselfAttack - George was attacked by a youth with a pellet gun which left welt marks on his hand after he protected himself (Image: Public)

When he found out about the incident, the father says he instantly felt angry and concerned for his son’s welfare.

“From a parental point of view, you bring your children up the best you can," he said. 

"This little toe rag could have cost my son his sight. So I was seething.”

When asked to comment on this incident, an Essex Police Spokesperson stated that the investigation into the incident has ceased due to lack of leads.

The shocking incident is said to have taken place on August 10  at about 5.45pm, with George reporting the attack to police soon after. 

A spokesman for Essex Police said: "We were called to Blenheim Square in North Weald at about 6:15pm on August 10 following reports of an assault.

"The victim was assaulted in the back of the head with what's believed to be a water pellet gun. He sustained minor injuries. 

"Officers attended but the suspects, a group of young men could not be located. 

"The investigation has since been filed due to a lack of positive lines on enquiry. Should further information come forward, this could be reviewed."

To contact Essex Police with any information call 101.