MAJOR routes through Colchester city centre will be closed for 20 hours for the Soapbox Rally.

The time-trial event will see handmade carts racing down High Street on Sunday, with obstacles, jumps, and other challenges thrown in along the way.

Karts will be racing from as early as 10am and the event is scheduled to end at 7pm, but Essex County Council has agreed to close three roads for most of the day to allow the organisers sufficient time to set up and wind down the event.

High Street and Culver Street West will be closed, as will North Hill heading towards the city centre, between 4am and 11.59pm on Sunday.

Gazette: Great fun - soapbox races attract all kinds of weird and wonderful outfits and kartsGreat fun - soapbox races attract all kinds of weird and wonderful outfits and karts (Image: PA)

Access for emergency vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times during the closure, and traffic can go down North Hill from Head Street.

Participants have been encouraged to use their imaginations to decorate their karts while aiming to build the fastest kart possible to win the title.

It is free for spectators to attend and the city centre will be awash with food stalls and entertainment for passersby to enjoy.

If you don’t fancy watching the rally in High Street, viewing screens will be available in Culver Square, Lion Walk, and Castle Park.

BBC Essex will be providing live commentary of the event.