Thousands of new parents and pregnant women in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are missing out on free food vouchers.

Around 200,000 families who would qualify for the Healthy Start scheme are currently missing out on the support.

The NHS scheme offers food vouchers to pregnant women and families with young children who are on low income and are receiving qualifying benefits.

The vouchers can be used to buy essential items such as milk, infant formula, and fruit and vegetables.


Those eligible could receive top-ups of £4.25 or £8.50 per week based on their child’s age.

Who is eligible for £442 free supermarket vouchers?

You can apply by email or phone if you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant, or have at least one child under 4 years old, and get Income Support, Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit run-on) and you do not get Child Tax Credit, or Pension Credit (which includes the child addition).

You can also apply by email or phone if you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant and either under 18 years old and not getting any benefits, getting Child Tax Credit and not getting Working Tax Credit and your family’s annual income is £16,190 or less, or getting income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

You can view full eligibility criteria, and apply online, here.

Which? advice on £442 free supermarket vouchers

Despite the benefits, the Healthy Start scheme's current take-up rate is just 63.9%, which is below the government’s target of 75% for March 2023.

Which? is calling for action from the government and supermarkets to increase awareness of the program via promotions, well-trained staff, and accessibility for stores and online purchases.

Sue Davies, Which? head of consumer rights and food policy, said: “The Healthy Start scheme has potential to help many hard-up families who are struggling with the unrelenting cost of living crisis and have had to skip meals or use food banks as a result.

“However, poor take-up means millions of pounds’ worth of help is going unclaimed.

“There is an important role for the government to expand the scheme and increase its value, but we're also calling on supermarkets to help customers by better promoting what is available and providing extra top-ups for those who use the scheme.

“Supermarkets also need to make it easier for all customers to work out which items offer the best value for money, by making sure their pricing is clear and easily comparable between items.

“Supermarkets must ensure everyone has access to basic, affordable food ranges, especially in areas where they are most needed.”