A DEFENDANT accused of raping two women dramatically left court halfway through giving his evidence.

Daniel Oldfield had just started being cross-examined by prosecution counsel, Richard Kelly during his trial at Ipswich Crown Court on Tuesday when he left the witness box and demanded to be taken back to the cells.

Despite being asked by the trial judge, Martyn Levett to return to continue being cross-examined, Oldfield repeatedly said he wanted to go to the cells saying: “I can do what I want. I won’t be coming back.”

He then added: “Find me guilty. I’ve lost my home and job. I’ve got nothing to live for.”

Judge Levett adjourned the case to allow Oldfield to consider his position and he then returned to the witness box after the lunch break.

Oldfield, 45, of Church Road, Clacton, has denied assault by penetration, assault causing actual bodily harm and three offences of rape in relation to two women.

Giving evidence Oldfield denied a suggestion from Mr Kelly that he was "manipulative" and that he “took what he wanted as long as it was to his personal advantage”.

He accepted he had 11 previous convictions for public order offences and threatening behaviour, three previous convictions for harassment and ten for assault.

Asked by Mr Kelly: “You’re a serial liar aren’t you”.

Oldfield replied: “That’s your opinion. I don’t accept it.”

He said he was telling the truth when he said he hadn’t raped the alleged victims.

The trial continues.