A MOTORIST was left uninjured after crashing into the front of a Home Bargains shop in a retail park.

Emergency crews were called to Clacton Shopping Village, in Stephenson Road West, on Wednesday afternoon.

Paramedics and firefighters found a car which appeared to have smashed into the entrance of Home Bargains at about 3pm.

In a video shared with the Gazette, the emergency workers and shopping centre security guards can be seen tending to a brown Ford Fiesta.

Gazette: Incident - emergency workers and security staff at the sceneIncident - emergency workers and security staff at the scene (Image: Sebastian Thornton)

The clip also shows shoppers standing nearby in shock while the incident unfolds.

A spokesman for the East of England Ambulance Service said: "We were called at 15.04pm to a road traffic accident in Clacton.

"An ambulance, an ambulance officer and a rapid response vehicle were all in attendance. No patients were conveyed to hospital."

One shopper who had already left the scene before the accident was Trisha Doyle.

She said: "We had just left five minutes before this - I hope everyone involved is okay."

James Burns also sent his well-wishes to anyone involved in the serious-looking crash.

He added: "I hope everyone's okay."