A SUPERMARKET giant has assured customers it’s business as usual in its Colchester store… after shoppers complained it “smells like poo”.

A concerned customer flagged the unpleasant smell after a visit to the Tesco store, in Greenstead Road, Colchester, earlier this week.

Gazette: Smelly - A drainage issue left the Tesco store at the Hythe 'smelling like poo'Smelly - A drainage issue left the Tesco store at the Hythe 'smelling like poo' (Image: Google)

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They claimed the heating had been turned off in the store to combat the stench, leaving staff no option but “wear scarves and gloves” to keep warm amid the unpredictable weather.

An issue with a drain at the store was reported last week, but the retailer has since removed the offensive odour and the store is operating normally.