A DISPLAY of dozens of bees and butterflies could be set to decorate Colchester's Culver square, according to council planning documents.

The installation of about 200 acrylic butterflies and bees could adorn wires across the square.

According to planning papers, the new decorations will be in place for about four months from May to September of this year.

The decorations will be suspended on the overhead wires – known as catenary wire – and will be about half a metre in length.

One part of the planning report read the decorations will be made out of “acrylic formed into the shape of butterflies and bees."

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It continued: “Each individual insect will be approximately 500mm by 500mm.

“The colours will be black and yellow for the bees and a variety of colours for the butterflies.”

The application was made by Mr David Robertson, who is the director of the Our Colchester Business Improvement District.

The planning application was submitted at the start of the month.