A GROUP of Colchester students had the lunch break of a lifetime after receiving a special FaceTime call… from Prince William.

The future king of England shocked students by making a call to one of their phones during a visit to medical and ambulance workers in Ipswich last Friday.

Hannah Wickison, 18, was sitting around the college, understood to be Colchester Sixth Form, with her friends, on an average afternoon, until one of their phones rang.

Seeing it was a call from his mum, who works at the ambulance station, the unnamed boy picked up, instantly recognising the face of England’s future king.

The Prince of Wales, 40, rolled out jokes and banter while chatting with the teens.

He asked the students if they were doing any work, before being fed cake by the teenagers mum, and calling her baking ‘not very good’, on camera.

Hannah said he then compared one of their friends, who has red hair, to Ed Sheeran.

Hannah said: "A friend's mum called him whilst he was visiting her at work and he was on the other end of the line.

"We were all just so shocked and didn't expect it, completely speechless.

"We were just laughing at everything he was saying as we didn't know what to say.

"He asked us if we were friends with Ed Sheeran as one of our friends has red hair.

"Then he said he'd tried her cake and told her she wouldn't win Bake Off.


"It was just really unexpected, the things he was saying - you just don't really think they'll have a joke with you I guess."

The dumbfounded Sixth Formers soon spread the news about their royal phone call, but were met with disbelief.

Hannah, of Colchester, said that some of her friends didn’t believe the phone call was real, despite the evidence.

She said: "We ended the call and had some lunch left and we all just sat there in silence, completely speechless, processing everything.

"Some people didn't think it was real and they thought it was a filter of him! Yeah, I won't forget that for a long time."

Hannah, who works as a lifeguard in her spare time, shared the clip on TikTok, which shortly went viral, garnering over 600,000 views in just three days.


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