THE health regulator has said ESNEFT must address shortcomings at Colchester Hospital following a recent inspection of its medical services and elderly care provisions.

Though staff were generally commended for their dedication, there were still shortcomings when it came to following rules on PPE, according to a new report.

The CQC’s Antoinette Smith, the body’s head of hospital inspection in the east of England, said ESNEFT had to find a way of ensuring staff shortages didn’t result in the levels of care being compromised.

She said: “There were issues that ESNEFT, as provider of the service, must address.

“The service’s staffing arrangements weren’t always sufficient to meet the needs of people using it.

“While many NHS services and those across the wider healthcare sector face this challenge, the trust must find ways to prevent this compromising the care it provides to people.”

ESNEFT’s chief nurse, Dr Giles Thorpe, said the CQC’s recommendations were already being put in place.

He said: “Like all NHS Trusts throughout the country, our staff have been managing many pressures and I am very grateful for all of their hard work.

“It is pleasing to see that the inspectors also found many positive aspects of our care and leadership”.